Introduction Innovation Food Technology Company (IFT) - LEMIT 

The precursor of IFT Company was Mai Dương Sauce, Seasoning, and Food Production SME (established on July 30, 2019, code: 64G8004262). In 2023, due to the need for expansion, IFT Joint Stock Company (code: 6300359256) was established. IFT Company focuses on creating product lines using jackfruit as the main ingredient. In parallel, we support local farmers in the production process in a fair and transparent manner. 

"Lemit" is a product line made from young jackfruit as its main ingredient.

Với nguyên liệu quả mít non có cấu trúc giống thịt, Lemit mong muốn đem đến cho người tiêu dùng dòng sản phẩm thịt thực vật và các sản phẩm liên quan. Các sản phẩm này có cấu trúc hương vị thân quen với người tiêu dùng, mà vẫn đảm bảo tốt cho sức khoẻ. Các sản phẩm không chứa các thành phần gây dị ứng cho cơ thể (gluten, đậu nành, đậu phộng, sữa,…).

Trong thời gian trồng, các quả mít non được tỉa bớt để giúp các quả mít còn lại phát triển tốt. Vì vậy, dùng nguyên liệu mít non sẽ giúp gia tăng giá trị cây mít và đảm bảo phát triển bền vững, bảo vệ môi trường.


Joining forces to build a world where everyone can have access to delicious plant-based foods that are healthy and aligned with sustainable agriculture; supporting sustainable development for farmers and local communities.

Establishing a fair and transparent food system, bringing benefits to both people and Mother Earth.


Revolutionizing Vietnam's agricultural and food sector by providing meat alternatives sourced from young jackfruit and promoting sustainable farming practices, while supporting local communities in sustainable agricultural development.

Core values

Creating a product line that is Delicious, Nutritious, Environmentally Friendly, and Affordable.



The first product line of IFT Company is the Lemit plant-based meat product line.

The Lemit plant-based meat product line is made from young jackfruit as the main ingredient. The young jackfruit is carefully selected and harvested at the appropriate maturity level for different production purposes. The production process is established with a closed-loop system, starting from planting, harvesting, post-harvest preservation, to manufacturing and distribution. Compliance with ISO 22000 is ensured. The production process employs specialized techniques to deliver products with delightful flavors and suitable texture for consumers. The ingredients used are sourced from entirely natural materials. The products undergo meticulous processing to ensure food safety for consumers.

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Organizational structure

Human resources

The Board of Directors, Management Board, and employees of the company are passionate about the development of agriculture in Vietnam. We aspire to develop a green agriculture sector, environmentally friendly products, ensuring sustainable development while supporting farmers in their development efforts. Our exclusive production formulas, created by the company's scientists, aim to provide consumers with plant-based products that are safe for health while ensuring nutritional value and taste. The production process is enclosed within ISO 22000 standards, and all employees comply with general regulations to ensure food safety.


The certifications and awards that the company and Ms. Cao Thi Cam Nhung (CEO) have achieved since the establishment for their plant-based meat products.